Friday, November 11, 2011

"Review Week 13"

Contrast: This image represents contrast because it hast red and green, which are contrasting colors, and it also has white with contrasts with the flowers.
Balance: This image is a good example of balance because the two figures are opposites but they are being equally represented on the page.
Emphasis: This is an example of emphasis because the entire image is in grayscale except for the wine because they are trying to draw the views attention there.
Proportion/Scale: This is an example of proportion/scale because the people in the image look normal aside from their sizes.
Repetition: This image represents repetition because the spheres are being repeated.
Rhythm: This is an example of rhythm because the image gives the viewer the feeling of movement.

Unity: This is an example of unity because the lines and the composition causes the viewers eye to travel around the whole page.
Variety: This image has a large range of color and objects that still work together.

How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?
* Click on the layer you want to add the mask to
* Go down to the bottom right corner of your layers palette
* Click on the 3rd from the left button (box with the white circle in it)

What two colors are used to create the mask?
Black and white
Describe the process of using a layer mask?
We use a layer mask when we want to hide but not delete a certain part of a picture. When we want to hide a part of a picture we make sure that our color is black and that we are on the layer mask and we simply paint on the image and watch it disappear. If we want to show something that we have hidden then we just make sure that our color is white and we paint back on the picture.

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