Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Review Week 5"

This is an example of an advertisement that uses shape in the design. The designer used a lot of different shapes to make one big shape of a heart. This poster looks much better than it would if it was just a single solid heart. The shapes that the artist used also go with what they were advertising for.

This poster is a good example of how line can be used in a design. The lines are in a flowing manner like how we think music flows. The artist uses different thicknesses of lines throughout the poster. The way all the lines are placed in this poster draws your eye to it.

This posters use texture to help its message. The way the words in the background are layered and put in different directions makes it look like there is a lot of different papers folded and put on top of each other. This texture makes it more interesting because it uses script from Da Vinci, who is the person that said the quote in the middle of the poster.

Space is shown in this poster by how it is split from light and dark. The area where the person is, is the positive space and where it is black is negative space. This use if space helps to draw the eye to the middle where the man is. It also gives it a on stage look because it is what they are promoting.

This poster is a good example of value because is uses the different shades of color to emphasize the bullseye. Value is a good element to uses when you want something to pop out. The artist cleverly used value in this design.

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